In Memoriam

In Memoriam
Jennifer Michalski Amoratis '90
Roger Cameroni - Faculty
Cavan Joseph Cantagallo '10
Gerald "Gerry" Capie, Jr. '97
Joseph Ciaudello '02
Mary Castellani Clarke '74
Dennis Connelly '04
Kyran Connelly - Faculty
Michael Contino '87
Margaret Little Crump '72
Stanley Czajka Jr. '82
Franceen Whitehead DelGuerico '74
Marilyn Della Pia '72
Robert Doran '84
Timothy Dougherty '75
Joseph Durkin '76
Sharon Armbruster Fenton '70
Robert Flemming '80
Dr. Charles Fowler, PhD - Faculty
Bernadette Gurt Fox '80
Gerald Froschle '74
Richard Garrow '71
Theresa Gilmore '01
Paul Giorgio '74
Edmund Gracey '75
Steven Harcum '76
Ephrem Harris '24
Paul Hegarty Jr. '76
Kerri-Lyn Hershock '11
Louis Kramer '83
Gregory Kuhner '84
Duane Lent '86
William "Bill" Loughery '85
John Maleno '75
Patricia Mansfield - Staff
Amy Wolf Maisey '88
Br. Patrick McCormack, OFM - Staff
Scott McGarrigle '87
Regina "Jean" McIntyre '71
Kevin McMahon '77
Robert Migliaccio '78
Kevin Nolan '81
Joseph Noselli '74
Kathleen O'Shea '76
Tiffanie Picinich Polidoro '89
John Prelle, Jr. '76
Alfred Quasti Jr. '79
John Quinto Jr. '77
James Rosano - Faculty
James Sigovich '72
Eric Stempinski '92
Brian P. Sweeney '97
Derek "Rick" Swider '81
Daniel Szylejko '73
Rocco Tenaglia '74
John Thivierge '72
Dennis Warner '69
Walter Winslow '75
William Wojtusik '75
Archbishop Ryan remembers all of our loved ones that we lost over the years. If you would like to let us know of a family member or friend who has passed away, please contact the Development Office at [email protected].
See a list of all deceased Archbishop Ryan alumni here.