Thankful Thursday ~ A Day of Gratitude and Giving
Set of 10 Calculators with Charging Station
200 Geometers
Laura, the novel, 36 copies
Field Trip to the Shrines of St. Rita and St. John Neuman
Adult and Infant Mannequins for CPR
Fleet of 10 Drones
Softball Pitching Machine
Fine Arts
Field Trip to the Art Museum
Portable Keyboards
Headset Microphones and Wireless Transmitters
Mission & Ministry
Kairos Retreat for 30 students
School Van
Transportation for Clubs and Teams
Help Us Meet Our Goal: $40,000
Student Activities
Telephoto lens for Yearbook Camera
25 Controllers for Esports Lab
Furniture, Gaming System and Games for Academic Lab
Soundproof Padding and Blackout Film for TV Studio
Robot Car Kit and Robot Dog Kit
Help Us Meet Our Goal: $11,275
Tuition Assistance
Help Students Receive a Ryan Education
Help Us Meet Our Goal: UNLIMITED